Andrew Ofstehage
Economic and Environmental Anthropologist
Program Coordinator,
CALS International Programs, NC State
"Flexible farming depends on flexible or fungible forms of land, labor, and crops that farmers commodify (express in market terms) and make liquid (add or remove from a farm’s repertoire with little cost)." (Ofstehage 2018).
An Iowa farm in Brazil (1)
An Iowa farm in Brazil (2)
An Iowa farm in Brazil (3)
"Here the soils are so weak that you have to spoonfeed the soil. " (Ofstehage, In Press).
Cattle on disputed land.
Archive of an Illinois farm in Brazil (1)
Archive of an Illinois farm in Brazil (2)
Archive of an Illinois farm in Brazil (3)
Farms with barbed wire security fences and armed guards. Land is not only flexible, it's financialized (Ofstehage 2018).
Luis Eduardo Magalhaes, city of agribusiness...
Luis Eduardo Magalhaes, city of inequality...
Luis Eduardo Magalhaes, city of concrete...
Luis Eduardo Magalhaes, city of dust.
Getting to the farm, a farmer's commute.
Getting to the farm, a farmer's view.
Farming is easy, becoming Brazilian is hard (Ofstehage 2016).
An alternative to agro-industrial farming in Rio Verde?
Homes filled with literature...
and farms with children, livestock, and life.
Yet similar landscapes and soilscapes (Ofstehage 2019).
Resisting sugar cane, adopting soy (somewhat).
“We’re not so materialistic" (Ofstehage 2018).
Welcome to Soylandia.